Daron Simmons
At some point in our life, we all have experienced seeing spots in front of our eyes. Most of the time, these spots are relatively harmless. But don’t get too confident about it. Other times, these spots in our eyes can also indicate an awaiting and soon to be a case of medical emergency. By knowing the common causes and symptoms of eye spots, it would be easier for us to know if these spots require immediate medical intervention. An immediate consultation with an eye doctor is very important once you experience unusual and sudden eye spots.

Most eye spots which we usually see are also termed as eye floaters. These floaters can appear in your visual field and then drifts around gradually before they disappear. These spots or floaters can be mostly seen in such cases where you stare at a bright light or when looking up at the bright skies. These usually harmless floaters can also occur when there are tiny specks of gel breaks away within the eye. And when you see the shadows of these little specks, you can see these spots drifting on your eye’s surface. These eye floaters are most often shaped as little broken threads that are grouped together following the same direction across the visual field. Although most of us have experienced these eye spots as we rub our eyes with our fingers, there are also other conditions that can make eye spots to appear most often like nearsightedness, diabetes, eye inflammation, and post cataract surgery.

However, spots that appear similar to floaters can also be a sign of an impending medical emergency. Sometimes, presence of spots in the eyes can mean a retinal tear or retinal detachment. If these conditions are not treated right away, it can lead to permanent loss of vision. A retinal tear or detachment needs immediate restoration of retina to prevent vision loss. Usually, when eye spots indicates a very serious condition like a detached retina, these spots are most often accompanied light flashes and eye floater that can occur suddenly like rain showers across the visual field. Whenever you see these kinds of floaters, it is definitely time to you seek immediate medical attention.  

Eye spots that are classified as harmless can go away by themselves without any interventions. These harmless spots are painless and do not affect your eyesight. Most eye doctors would advice adequate rest but no drugs will be needed. However, in cases where eye spots become a hindrance to your vision, it is most advisable that you make an appointment with an eye doctor such as the austin eye doctor. Contact now austin eye doctor and have your eye examine.

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